AGENDA FOR EOW-08 IN SLOVENIA, 5th - 10th October 2008

Entire programme schedule is subject to change!

1st day: Sunday, 5. Oct. 2008

Afternoon: Arrivals

2nd day: Monday, 6. Oct. 2008

8.00 ‐ 9.00 ‐ Registration


9.00 ‐ Opening (Authority from Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning)
9.30 ‐ Welcome speech (European Coordinator of OSG/Chairman of IUCN Otter Specialist Group)
10.00 ‐ Introduction by Organizer (Lutra Institute)

10.30 ‐ Coffee break

Session 1:
The otter ‐ a flagship, charismatic, umbrella, keystone, indicator species?

Chair: Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič

11.00 ‐ Key speaker: Prof.Dr. Sam Erlinge: The otter ‐ the great fisher and winter bather

11.45 ‐ LIFE AQUALUTRA ‐ a project on the basis of a flagship species ‐ Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič

12.10: Implementation of the otter in market communication

‐ Edita Gabrič, senior‐year student of marketing at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana

12.35 ‐ Overview of the Ottercentres in Europe:

• Hans Heinrich Krüger (Otter‐centre Hankensbüttel)
• Addy de Yongh (Aqualutra)
• Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič (Otter‐centre AQUALUTRA under construction)

13.35 ‐ 14.00: Discussion

14.00 ‐ 15.30: LUNCH break

15.30 ‐ 18.00: Drops of Science ‐ Workshop for Teachers and Students in Slovenia (Dr. Gregor Torkar, LUTRA Institute): Otter as a flagship species in the school.


15.30 ‐ poster session


15.30 ‐ Movies about otters (Slovenia, Italy, Check Republic)

18.00 ‐ Otter Social Evening: short introduction of every participant, countries, national representatives with some characteristics of every country; emphasis on recruitment and introduction of new members and countries. Cultural event for ice‐breaking.

Dinner hosted by mayor of Community Moravske Toplice

3rd day: Tuesday, 7. Oct. 2008

9.00: Session 2:
Chair: Axel Bo Madsen

Bjarne Søgaard: Conservation Status of the European Otter Lutra lutra in EU/Europe 2007
- An overview based on the Article 17 reporting of the Habitats Directive

10.30 - Coffee break

11.00 - Workshop: reports and comments on conservation status in each country

14.00 - 15.30 : LUNCH break

15.30 Session 3:
Chair: Lukaš Polednik

- A coherent European ecological network of special areas of conservation:

  - OHNE (Henry Krüger)
  - CORRIDORS (Andreas Kranz)
  - NATURA 2000 (Lukas Polednik)

17.30: Coffee break

18.00: Economy in nature conservation, with particular regard to the otter with a case study - Sašo Kešeljevič, Edita Gabrič

Evening: free or organized otter‐watching (for limited number of participants)

4th day: Wednesday, 8. Oct. 2008

Chair: Hugh Jansman

9.00 - Assessment of otter population size: non invasive genetic sampling and snow tracking - Petra Hajkova, Barbora Zemanova, Kevin Roche & Bedrich Hajek

9.20 - Reintroduction of the otter: hidden life revealed by non-invasive genetic monitoring - Hugh Jansman, Hans Peter Koelewijn, Loek Kuiters & Dennis Lammertsma

9.40 - An attempt to characterize the otter population in the Landscape Park Goričko using DNA fingerprinting - Hana Jontez, Simona Sušnik, Jakob Smole, Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič and Peter Dovč

10.00 - Otter Studbook report - Addy de Jongh

10.50 - Discussion

11.15 - 11.45 Coffee break

Session 5 : Miscellaneus
Chair: Margarida Santos Reis

11.45 - Otter's back to Schwitzerland! How long for? - Jean-Marc Weber, Ueli Iff

12.05 - Road mortality and permeability for otters (Lutra lutra) in a Mediterranean region - Margarida Santos-Reis, Clara Grilo, Fernando Ascensão, Ana Rita Mateus & Ana Marta Serronha

12.25 - Developing a coordinated European system for the collection of data on otter road casualties - Laura Bonesi

12.45 ‐ Otter necropsies - Hugh Jansman

13:00 - Discussion

13.15 - 14.30 : LUNCH break

Afternoon: Sightseeing of Goričko (Landscape Park, Natura 2000 site, project area of LIFE-NATURA project for otter conservation).

16.00: Guided visit of the castle

17.00: Opening of the Exhibition LIFE‐AQUALUTRA on otter in the Castle Grad (Goričko) with cultural programme

19.00: A dinner hosted by Landscape Park Goričko

5th day: Thursday, 9. Oct. 2008


Chair: Andreas Kranz

9.00: Loading and Pollution in Freshwater Ecosystems – Ecological Point of View - Prof. Dr. Mihael Toman (Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana)

9.40: Assessing the impact of dam implementation on otters: the cases of Alqueva (SE Portugal) and Sabor (NE Portugal) dams - Nuno Miguel Pedroso, Teresa Sales-Luís, Filipa Loureiro and Margarida Santos-Reis

10.00: Migration corridors, habitat assessment and management for the otter in the North of Luxembourg and the South of Belgium - Gérard Schmidt, Aurore Boscher, Hélène Ghyselinck, Yves Krippel, Christine Leclercq, Lionel L’Hoste, Mireille Molitor, Sven Plattes, Eva Rabold, Anne Scheer, Alain Dohet

10.20: Assessing trends in otter Lutra lutra populations: range edge surveys and occupancy/detectability models - Manlio Marcelli, Romina Fusillo

10.40 - Coffee break

11.10: The Water Framework Directive and the conservation of the European otter - Anna Loy, Susanna D’Antoni, Michela Gori

11.30: Improvement of otter habitats in the area of Goričko with ecoremediation - Danijel Vrhovšek, Alenka Šajn Slak and Marjana Hönigsfeld Adamič

11.50: Behavioural Ecology of the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in Alentejo, Southern Portugal: Background, Objectives and Preliminary Results of an ongoing project
Lorenzo Quaglietta, Antόnio Mira and Luigi Boitani

12.10: Concentrations of PCBs and their metabolites and some pesticides in otter (Lutra lutra) scats from two areas of Sweden ‐ Gerd Jacobsson, Anna Roos, Mia Bisther and Maria Athanasiadou

12.30: Discussion

13.00 ‐ 14.30 : LUNCH break

Afternoon: Sightseeing of Goričko (Eastern part)

Evening: OSG meeting with preparation of results and recommendations of EOW‐08 or
Organized otter‐watching (for limited number of participants)

6th day: Friday, 10. Oct. 2008

Session 7: Closing plenary session: conclusions and discussion
Chair: Jim Conroy (chait of the IUCN/SSC/OSG)

9.00: Speech of coordinator of EU IUCN/SSC/OSG with plenary presentation of recommendations and conclusions of the meeting; discussion

12.00: Press conference

13.00 - LUNCH

14. 00 Afternoon: Sightseeing of LIFE‐NATURA sites and the site of Otter Centre in Goričko.

Evening: Dinner with entertainment programme given by mayor of the Community Gornji Petrovci

7th day: Saturday, 11. Oct. 2008

8.00: Whole-day excursion across Natura 2000 sites in NE Slovenia (with otter as a qualifying species): Polanski log, River Mura and Murska šuma.

Closing dinner in Prlekija with degustation of wines

pdf Instructions for abstract submission (70.22 Kb)

pdf Instructions for poster presentations (68.38 Kb)